Here's a Look at 2019 EA Summit 

The Association of Entrepreneurial Attorneys’ mission is to teach attorneys how to become more entrepreneurial, run their firms more efficiently, conduct more effective marketing, and better serve their clients.

Didn't attend? This is what you missed...  


  • Travis Hise - Marketing  
  • Mitch Jackson - Social Media  
  • JennyQ - Live Streaming  
  • Tom Wallin - Entrepreneurial Attorney  
  • Denny Newberry - Captorra  
  • Matt Spiegel - LawMatics  

...and more  


What makes the AEA Unique?

Where attorneys learn how to successfully grow their business!

 LEADS & CONVERSIONS | 2019 EA Summit 

Wondering if it's worth it? Watch this...


Becoming an AEA MEMBER allows you to...

  • Achieve more
  • Work less
  • Run your firm more efficiently  
  • Gain access to a community of like-minded attorneys
  • Build your practice with effective marketing techniques & proven conversion practices.

 You deserve to grow your business  

Here are tools and how to use them:


Do you want a better understanding of how to market your firm? Be a part of our COMMUNITY Calls and learn how to grow your firm with our marketing experts. 


It can be hard to find the balance between scripting everything and speaking conversationally. We'll share tips to help you drive words into action.


Some of the most effective marketing tools are found in todays technology. Our biweekly WEBINARS will discuss current and relevant topics & systems for your firm.


Joining the Association of Entrepreneurial Attorneys will give you access to biweekly COMMUNITY CALLS with some of the experts in the legal space!

Handling Q&As

Ask questions in our member FORUM. Our experts and your collegues will provide answers to help you find the best solution for your firm. 

Following Up

Being part of the AEA means accountability. We recognize that running a business can sometimes be lonely. Join today to be surrounded by like-minded attorneys.


Do you have a roladex for your firm? Let's learn how to use it for referral marketing and email marketing to effectively generate leads for your firm.


To keep improving your public speaking skills, you'll need to hear more than "You did great!". We'll share how to get honest, helpful feedback on presentations.

Our Partners

Not sure you can do this? I've got a story for you...

I remember when I began to think I might actually have something to teach people about presenting in public.

I'd just given my 15th talk on stage, and a good friend of mine happened to be in the audience. The talk went well, and afterward, we met up to chat. 

"I could never do something like that," she told me. My friend was building a really promising business, but I knew she was a pretty shy person, and I could see how she struggled to get her name out there.

I looked at her and I said: "Wanna bet?"

We set a weekly coffee date: one hour a week totally devoted to building her confidence and refining her presentation strategy. 

After a month she'd booked her first appearance. After six months, she didn't need my help anymore. Today, she's on the road speaking almost more than she's at home. 

If my friend could do this, I know you can, too. I've seen what gets results—and I'd love to share it with you.

So... are you in?