AEA Blog


A Step-By-Step Guide to Catching Up On Your Bookkeeping

A Step-By-Step Guide to Catching Up On Your Bookkeeping  Tax season is coming—it’s inevitable. Getting your books tax-ready ensures you are compliant with the IRS recordkeeping requirements, meaning no late fees, no surprises, and a [...]


10 Truths to Improve Your Law Firm Marketing

The economy is treating many law firms well, with profits up and revenues high. Attorneys are willing to shell out plenty on marketing. It can be tempting to put the whole hog in large-scale marketing [...]


PPC Trends You Should Know About in 2019

PPC marketing continued to grow throughout 2018. There were some massive changes, including AdWords rebranding to Google Ads and the new interface that came along with it. Bing Ads also saw significant changes with new [...]


10 Online Marketing Tips for Law Firms

While law firms have focused on traditional marketing techniques for decades, a new era of marketing has been introduced. Now, the most efficient way to reach potential clients is online. However, there’s a lot [...]


Injury Niche Building

A multi-pronged approach materially raised the quality of personal injury leads coming into the firm, without reducing the quantity. In the personal injury world, there’s a lot of competition for cases, according to Jonathan Rosenfeld, [...]


Great Lessons From A Referral-Based Injury Practice

Drawing attorney referrals with the same techniques used to attract consumers. John Fisher is a medical malpractice attorney in New York who primarily gets referrals from other attorneys. He is the author of "The Power [...]


Profile: Marketing Manager Maria Coppola

Working well for her multi-office immigration firm: loyalty programs for referrers, surveys of prospects who go elsewhere, and multiple blogs. Maria Coppola may not have known it when she first got into marketing, but she [...]