How to Convert Leads Into Clients
In this Google Hangout, veteran legal marketer and James Attorney Marketing president Travis Hise answers the following questions in this order:
From Rich, a personal injury attorney in Indianapolis, IN
“What’s the best way to keep track of my leads? I don’t have a team in place to help with follow-up—it’s only me. I’m sure my lack of organization is losing me clients.
From Jacob, a DUI attorney in New York, NY
“I don’t always have time to answer the phone, though I wish I did. What are the key customer service techniques I should train my staff on?”
From Melissa, a disability attorney in Chicago, IL
“I know other attorneys who are consistently sending their prospects educational materials to stay top-of-mind. Does this really work? And, how do I go about creating those materials?”
From Sam, a personal injury attorney in Tacoma, WA
“Is there a proven way to use Facebook or LinkedIn to convert more clients?”
From Jason, a family law attorney in San Francisco, CA
“My website consistently generates a decent number of leads for us each month, but many of them are poor. What are your tips for generating more qualified leads online?”
From Paul, a business attorney in Arkansas
“What do you think is the most important thing to do when trying to win a new client?”
From Robin, a disability attorney in Ft. Lauderdale, FL
“I need more leads, but have a very small marketing budget. What can I do to generate a steady stream of clients to my firm?”
From Torrey, a DUI attorney in Birmingham, MI
“Most of my prospects are interviewing 2, 3, or even 4 other attorneys before deciding on one. What are some ways I can stand out or be more memorable?“
From Nina, a disability attorney in Baltimore, MD
“I don’t have the means to send regular follow-up emails. What’s the best way to do this? I’m not very tech-savvy.”
From Nathaniel, a criminal attorney in Pennsylvania
“Do you offer ghost writing? I’m interested in a brochure or book I can hand out to my clients.”
From Jeff, a business attorney in Orange County, CA
“Should I really send my past clients and potential clients cards, flowers, and other gifts? Or are these things just fluff and a waste of money and time?”
Resources mentioned in Travis’ answers:
- The 10 Best Free and Open Source CRM Software Solutions
- Case study: Obtaining referrals from other attorneys, lead tracking, long-tail keywords, videos, free book, live chat, newsletter, and more
- Case study: It starts with generating quality leads
- Join the Association of Entrepreneurial Attorneys. It’s free!
- Website and writing assistance from James Attorney Marketing